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The numbers in the sales forecast are not fictitious. "Romilda Visí" is marketed worldwide. The estimated number of players are numbers of comparable online games - not calculated from the very successful games, but from those that can be described as "mass goods" with high player turnover. The resulting sales are real sales of comparable games, calculated from the average values of the years 2018-2020. Source: SuperData annual reports, a Nielsen Company and Game Analytics
Even a scenario with half the number of players would still generate revenues that generate good returns for investors.
Profitability Plan - Adjusted external costs
Sales expectation
The numbers in the sales forecast are not fictitious. "Romilda Visí" is marketed worldwide. The estimated number of players are numbers of comparable online games - not calculated from the very successful games, but from those that can be described as "mass goods" with high player turnover. The resulting sales are real sales of comparable games, calculated from the average values of the years 2018-2020. Source: SuperData annual reports, a Nielsen Company and Game Analytics
Profitability Plan - Adjusted external costs
Even a scenario with half the number of players would still generate revenues that generate good returns for investors.
Game Developer of
the Romilda Series